Friday, September 10, 2010

Hello Dear Ladies!

Welcome to your weekly encourager! My hope is that this site will be a positive retreat for you to pop in once in a while for  a pep talk, some giggles (or groans), a recipe, inspiration, and a weekly dose of encouraging words intertwined with scripture! 

I am just learning this blog thing, so please bear with me as I weave my way around the internet learning how to do this. I already blasted myself out of one blog site because I put an email where it didn’t belong or something. I still don’t understand what I did. But I’m too chicken to go back there so I found a new blog site. Hopefully I will be OK with this one. So far, so good.

I stumbled across this a couple days ago.  If you haven't heard this little tale before, it's a good one!  Kinda reminds me of Romans 8:28!  :)

And now dear might be a groaner, but it's cute!

Two muffins are in the oven.
One says to the other “Wow it’s hot in here”
The other one replies “Oh no… It’s a talking muffin!!”


I have a GREAT recipe for you for those days when you are just too exhausted to make dinner.  Send hubby to the store for one of those already cooked chickens....and then to the aisle where it has the already made mashed potatoes that you throw in the microwave....and THEN....yes, you guessed it.  A bagged salad.  You could throw a few tomatoes for good measure.  hee hee.....ok, email is - I'll be waiting for your yummy recipes.

I would be lax in my encouraging duties if I did not remind you ladies that in order to take care of others, you must also take care of yourself.  Ya know when you are on an airplane and the flight attendant tells you in the event of an emergency when the oxygen masks fall down - you put your own on before you help a child or anyone else.  There are reasons for this, you know.  If you can't breathe, it's difficult to help anyone else breathe.  If you don't allow some time for yourself, you are not going to be much help to others...or at least not quality help.  Go to bed a half hour earlier once in a while, take your vitamins, grab your bible and go to a quiet corner where God can fill your cup again.  Refresh yourself daily, to the best of your ability.  Mother said so.  :)   

Until next time…..

(Philippians 4:6-7) 6 In nothing be anxious, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus.

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