Monday, April 25, 2011

Not the End!

Hi girls!  I hope you have had a wonderful and blessed Easter.  Our Savior Reigns!

We had a relaxing Easter with wonderful new friends who actually after almost three years of knowing them, are becoming "old" friends....we cherish our old friends and our family back home, but we also cherish our new friends and we know that God is good.....all the time.

I'm having a hard time believing we are already at the end of our study journey.  What a study it has been!  I hope and pray that for all of you, the study of Acts has been one you won't forget.  I know for me, I have learned so much that I never knew before.  It has been one of the most interesting bible studies I have ever taken!  I enjoyed my time with the leadership team, and Sarah's wonderful teaching gift.  It's been a great experience!  I have also enjoyed my time blogging, and for those whom I interviewed,  loved getting to know you better.  I hope to have one or two more interviews....pray that my camera gets fixed soon or we are able to get a new one!

Help is on the Way!
by Lisa Grant, Christian Women Online
“But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more.”  Psalm 71:14
“I never thought this would happen to me.”
“I just don’t know what to do anymore.”
“I’m not even sure God is listening to me.”
“That’s it, I give up.  It’s hopeless!”
I have several friends going through some very tough stuff in their lives right now…major health issues, custody battles, rebellious children, legal issues, and rocky marriages to name a few.  I’ve heard all of the above statements and more.
Chances are, you’ve made these statements during rough patches in your life.  I know I have.  Maybe you’re there right now, in the pit of despair.
God’s Word offers some tremendous encouragement.  In Mark 5, a synagogue ruler named Jairus came to see Jesus.  Jairus pleaded with Jesus to just come and put his hands on his daughter, who was dying.   He said he knew she would be healed if Jesus would do that.  Jesus agreed and they headed off to Jairus’ house.
Let me pause the story right there.  Maybe you have done just as Jairus did.  You have fallen at Jesus’ feet and begged him for a healing of your problem.  Perhaps your faith was even strong enough to say, “I know this situation will be restored with just one touch from you, Lord!”
Let’s rejoin the story now.  You see, there was a journey that Jesus and Jairus had to take.  They had to walk together from the lakeside to Jairus’ house.  The Bible doesn’t say how long this trek was, but on the way Jesus was continually surrounded by people who wanted and needed Him.  One woman simply touched Him in faith and was miraculously healed.   Jesus stopped to talk to her.  I wonder how Jairus felt at this point.  I imagine he was freaking out, as every minute mattered in getting Jesus to his daughter.  I imagine him thinking, “Get out of our way!  This crowd is annoying!  And why does Jesus have to actually stop and TALK to them?  UGH!”
Pause.  Is this where you are?  Are you on the journey with Jesus?  Are you getting frustrated that everyone else seems to be getting answers to their prayers, and you feel like He just hasn’t gotten around to taking care of you yet?   Let’s read on.
While Jesus is still speaking to the woman who was healed, bad news arrives.  Jairus’ daughter was dead.  Jairus was told there was no need to bother Jesus any more.
Pause.  Maybe this is you.  You believe all hope is lost.  There’s no point in even talking to Jesus about it anymore.
The Scripture says Jesus ignored the news of the girl’s death.  He looked Jairus in the eye and said, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.”  They arrived at Jairus’ house, Jesus said two words to the girl, and she was restored to health.  Hmmmm, imagine that, Jesus arrived at just the right moment.  Not too early, not too late.
No matter where you are on the journey with Jesus, He says the same thing to you today.  Don’t be afraid, just believe.  With Jesus, there is always hope.
Hang on…help is on the way!

The fact that I am a woman does not make me a different kind of Christian. But the fact that I am a Christian does make me a different kind of woman.  (Elisabeth Elliot)

When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don't throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer  (Corrie Ten Boom)

The Christian life is not a constant high. I have my moments of deep discouragement. I have to go to God in prayer with tears in my eyes, and say, 'O God, forgive me,' or 'Help me.'  (Billy Graham)


Feel like it's never going to stop?  I know the feeling!  Here are a few suggestions to do with your kiddos, spouse or friends on a rainy day.

1.   Either go to, or rent a movie (I hear Soul Surfer is great, but I haven't seen it yet)
2.   Build a tent and go camping in your living room.
3.   Go through pictures and work on family scrap books together.
4.   Make puppets and put on a puppet show.
5.   Turn up the music and dance around the house, cleaning as you go.
6.   Bake up something yummy - like banana bread or cookies for your local fire or police station.
7.   Play a board game (they never go out of style!).
8.   Play with the globe and give some fun geographical lessons by playing guessing games.
9.   Learn a new video game with your kids.
10.  Do a puzzle together.
11.  Make a meal or treat for someone going through a hard time and surprise them.
12.  Write letters to soldiers.
13.  Start reading a good book aloud with someone close to you.
14.  Tea party!
15.  Go visit grandma and grandpa if possible....or write them a letter and color a picture for them to send.
16.  Dash outside and stomp in mud puddles (not when there is ligntning near, though!).
17.  Take a nap!  (well you could always try)
18.  Invite friends over for a scavenger hunt.
19.  Give the kids a list of extra chores they can do for pay.
20.  If you get to stay in all day for a day or two....count your blessings that you don't have to be out in it!  :)


                      Oh, radiant vision I see
                      Quickens my Father's love for me
                      A sweet abundance in my sight
                     Of dazzling color, blooming light
                     Helps me remember in my sorrows
                    That Spring will always come tomorrow
                    And when it does I know for sure
                    His unfailing love is beauty, pure

Here's a little pre-Mothers Day humor.  He always cracks me up!  :)



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