Monday, January 31, 2011

Here comes February!

Happy February!  No, I can't believe it either that January is simply gone!  It happened so fast!  Have you had enough of the cold weather yet?  Me too, but I think winter is not quite done with us.  Darn!  When we moved here I mistakenly thought that Kentucky was in the South.  It gets cold here, way colder than I thought it would.  That's OK though.  That is what winter clothes and heat are for, right?  Thank goodness we have that.  Imagine the settlers.  Oh, poor things!

Well, how are you coming along on your study?  I'm thoroughly enjoying it and I know you are too.  Sarah's discussion on circumcision last week was informative and entertaining at the same time.   It totally makes sense to me now!

Interesting February Facts:

Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the United States, born in Tampico, Ill., February 6, 1911.
British novelist Charles Dickens born February 7, 1812.
Princess Elizabeth became Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain, February 6, 1952.
Galileo, Italian astronomer and physicist, born February 15, 1564.
George Washington, first U.S. President, born in Westmoreland County, Va., February 22, 1732.
Thomas A. Edison, American inventor, born February 11, 1847.
Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States, born near present-day Hodgenville, Ky., February 12, 1809.
Charles Darwin, British naturalist, born February 12, 1809.
Grant Wood, American painter, born February 13, 1891.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, American poet, born February 27, 1807.

In case you're interested in the history of Valentine's Day here's a fun here

Wasn't it great to see the sunshine over the weekend?  In the middle of winter I know that many of us can start to feel a little blah from all the bad weather and not seeing the sunshine nearly enough.  I know it happens to me.  I searched around and found some ideas for getting ourselves out of the winter blahs and maybe accomplishing something that might give you a good feeling.  Here are a few suggestions I stumbled upon, not in any particular order, and from several different websites:

1.  Take a day to clean out your closets.  Maybe not fun, per se....(unless you are Debbie Gahan who loves to clean out closets!).  But I actually may do this soon.  I cleaned out the fridge and freezer this weekend and you know what?  It DOES feel very good to have that accomplished.

2.  On days that it's not SO cold, open a window and let some fresh air in.  I also did this on Sunday afternoon and it felt great!

3.  Perk up the place by bringing in some live plants or other colorful things to remind you that Spring is just around the corner.

4.  Go tanning if you enjoy that.  Get a massage or a pedicure while you're at it.

5.  This is a good time to plan your Spring garden. 

6.  Put out some bird feeders and watch your backyard come to life with pretty birds.  I especially love those cardinals!

7.  If you're feeling a little down, call a friend and see if she can go to lunch or a movie and you can cheer each other up.

8.  Plan ahead for the snow days for yourself or for the kids. For the kids, take a bin and put in crayons, paint by number sets, puzzles, movies, games....stuff you don't normally do that can be special for when you are stuck inside.  Adults can do the same thing, put in our books, puzzles, movies, popcorn for your movies, a little chocolate....whatever you enjoy that can keep you busy for a day.  Hopefully there are no more snow days in our future.

9.  And as always, exercise.  Bundling up and getting outside is really invigorating and worth the effort.  Otherwise, hit the gym - try something new like a class - maybe ballroom or square dancing with your hubby!  Always wanted to learn the piano or try oil painting?  Sign up now - get out and meet new friends!

10.  Some people actually have something called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).  Due to lack of sunshine in the winter some people experience lethargy and depression.  Talk to your doctor, but these days several reputable companies offer high intensity light boxes you can set up over your desk or bed to simulate sunlight.  My friend has one of these and she says it works!  Research and find one to try if you think you may benefit.

Anyway these are just some ideas.  Even today sitting here looking out at the clouds makes me really wish the sunshine would come back!

                        And now our Blogview for this week! 
Patsy Hynes

Once again I had the privilege of getting together with another one of you awesome discussion leaders.  This time I had a cup of coffee with Patsy Hynes.  Patsy’s family consists of her husband, John, whom she has been married to for 31 years.  They have two daughters, Lindsay 21, and Megan, 17.  Lindsay is getting married this Fall to a wonderful man so Patsy gets to be mother of the bride!  She is excited!
Kim:  Tell me about your extended family.
Patsy:  I have three sisters and two brothers.  I grew up in Wisconsin…we’ve been down here since 83….all John’s family lives here….my family is spread all over, but one sister lives here.
Kim:  Tell me about your faith journey, so far.
Patsy:   I grew up in a Christian home, Lutheran….and John & I were high school sweethearts….and when we were that age I kind of fell away from the Church….after ten years we had Lindsay, and so that is what brought us back to church.  It was around Christmas season and they were doing the Hallelujah Choir, and it just felt like we were “home” again.   Then we got real involved with church again and then my husband came home one day and said he had been listening to Bob Russell on the radio and he thought maybe we should try that.  Lindsay was ten at the time and had spent the night at a girlfriend’s house and they had gone to church and she came home and she had taken notes from Bob Russell’s sermon.  (strange coincidence?) Once we started going to Southeast, it just felt right.
Kim:  How long been coming to SE? 
Patsy:  Started SE the end of ’99….and were baptized July 8 of 2000.
Kim:  How long have you been a discussion leader? 
Patsy:  About five or six years.
Kim:  What made you decide to become a discussion leader?
Patsy:  Jane Chilton called me and asked me….and at first I didn’t want to do it, but she kept telling me to pray about it and once I got started I fell in love with the ladies so much that God took over.
Kim:  Is there anything in the book of Acts that stands out to you? 
Patsy:  I just love this whole study.  We have a lady who is a missionary in Central Asia and she just came back.  I just feel like this whole study has so much to do with her fascinating mission story.  She can totally relate to what Paul & Barnabas went through, and she helps us experience that more first-hand.  We walked with her and prayed for her while she was there, so the book of Acts has really come alive for me with her recent experiences.
Kim:  Is there a bible verse that speaks to you at this moment in time?
Patsy:  I’ve always loved when Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father but through me.”  John 14:6
Kim:  What do you watch on TV?
Patsy:  I like the police shows like Criminal Minds, NCIS, Los Angeles…..
Kim:  What are your hobbies?
Patsy:  I love to golf….a friend of mine got me hooked this past summer….I’d done it here and there but now I do it once a week.  We golfed up until almost through Thanksgiving.
Kim:  What are you reading right now? 
Patsy:  I’m reading a book right now called Same Kind of Different as Me….but I don’t have a favorite genre.
Kim:  Favorite restaurant?
Patsy:  Stoney River Steak House
Kim:  Do you have a special place you study?
Patsy:  A little place in my bedroom with a chair and lamp.
Kim:  Favorite household chore? 
Patsy:  Probably my favorite is cooking. 
Kim:  Best advice ever given?
Patsy:  Marry your best friend.
Kim:  What’s your idea of a nice Valentine’s Day Date? 
Patsy:  Well, my favorite is I just like going out to eat, that’s my favorite thing to do.  (Kim:  I never get tired of that either!)
Kim:  Are you an early bird or night owl? 
Patsy:  I’m the middle of the day person!
Kim:  Do you have any pet peeves? 
Patsy:  My worst one is being late.
Kim:  Have you seen any good movies lately?
Patsy:  We just watched Secretariat….loved it.
And here’s the game.  One of these statements is true about Patsy, the others are not true.  Can you guess which is true?
 I used to be a bartender
I love to ski
I did one skydive and loved it!

Last week’s answer:  Becky won a car in a sales contest! 

Recipe of the week:  Sweetheart Sugar Cookies from Southern Living
Sweetheart Sugar Cookies
Sweetheart Sugar Cookies
From Southern Living

1 cup butter, softened
1 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 large egg
2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons meringue powder
Pink sanding sugar


1. Preheat oven to 350°. Beat butter, granulated sugar, and vanilla at medium speed with an electric mixer until fluffy. Add egg, beating until blended.
2. Combine flour and salt; gradually add to butter mixture, beating just until blended.
3. Divide dough into 2 equal portions; flatten each portion into a disk. Cover and chill 10 minutes.
4. Place 1 dough disk on a heavily floured surface, and roll to 1/8-inch thickness. Cut with a 3-inch heart-shaped cutter. Place 2 inches apart on lightly greased baking sheets. Repeat procedure with remaining dough disk.
5. Bake at 350° for 10 to 12 minutes or until edges are lightly browned. Let cool on baking sheets 5 minutes; transfer to wire racks, and let cool completely (about 30 minutes).
6. Whisk together meringue powder and 2 Tbsp. water. Brush cookies with mixture, or dip cookies in mixture, and sprinkle with sanding sugar.
For jumbo cookies: Cut rolled-out dough with a 4 1/2-inch heart-shaped cutter. Bake at 350° for 15 to 17 minutes or until edges are lightly browned. Makes: about 1 dozen.
For bite-size cookies: Cut rolled-out dough with a 1-inch heart-shaped cutter. Bake at 350° for 8 to 11 minutes or until edges are lightly browned. Makes: about 20 dozen.
Southern Living, FEBRUARY 2011

"What used to make us stumble, God can use to make us stand.  What once
made us bow our heads in shame,
He can use for His glory."

~ Joanna Weaver~

Having a Mary Spirit


1 Corinthians 13:4–8a
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails ...

Here's a little comedy love skit.  Enjoy!!

 I hope you all have a wonderful week!

The LORD bless you and keep you;
The LORD make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The LORD lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.
Numbers 6:24-26

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