Monday, October 25, 2010

Back to Studies


Hello Again, Ladies!  We hope you have had a lovely desert day and a peaceful hour being silent with the Lord and listening for His voice.  If you are like me, you had a bit of a hard time quieting your mind and being still.  My mind goes a thousand different places...what I need to do for dinner...what errands I need to run, what book I need to read...(oh, this room is so cozy and comfy)....maybe I can get to the gym before I pick up our son....and random thoughts such as....wonder what the price of gas is at Costco today.....did I really dream about mountain climbing last night?  Oh heaven help me, because I am so easily distracted.  There is always something to read, see, do, call....silence and solitude are very difficult for me.  But I persist.....and I actually did get my cup filled.  I pray that you did, too.


Desert Day Pondering......

                    I have stilled and quieted my soul.  Psalm 131:2



Morning Solitude
by, Thomas C. Duck

My favorite time of every day
is in the morning when I pray.
Just me and God, all alone.
I bare my soul before His throne.
I bring Him my burdens, and all my concerns.
When I can’t express it, His Spirit discerns.
He gives back a peace beyond understanding.
Like a parachute gives a soft gentle landing.
So when life is a free fall that’s out of control,
Make solitude with Jesus your primary goal.
And when everything seems to be going okay,
Still get with God alone every day.
For life is a series of trial after trial,
And strength comes daily, alone with God for awhile


Hey gals, look what I came across as I was buzzing around the internet.  If you're tired of the same ole faces on your jack-o-lanterns, why not give these a try?  Aren't they different and pretty?





        Interview Corner - sitting down with Debbie Gahan

I recently had the privledge of sitting down and having a chat with one of our wonderful Discussion Leaders, Debbie Gahan.  I had a great time getting to know her, and she was very open with her answers and made it very easy for me.  Thank you, Debbie.  Read on to find out more about her - maybe some things you didn't know....and a little game at the end....

I found out right off the bat that Debbie is married to Tom Gahan, and they've been married 17 years.  They have two children, Olivia, age 11, and Andrew, age 9.

Kim:  Do you have a job, and if so, what?

Debbie:  I work part time for a chiropractor, and I like it.  I do patient insurance work, ten hours per week.  It's a perfect blessing!

Kim:  What's your favorite thing about Autumn?

Debbie:  Decorating the house, the candle smells like apple cider, pumpkin pie, and vanilla.

Kim:  Have you started Christmas shopping yet?

Debbie:  No.....

Kim:  What is your favorite childhood Christmas memory?

Debbie:  When we were young, one year my mom wanted a microwave oven.  After all the gifts were opened, it was clear that she had not gotten the microwave.  We all knew she was disappointed, but she didn't say anything.  Then my dad stood up and said, "What's this?"  There was a string on the tree that he then followed out to the car, where dad had put her new microwave.  That's a memory that I remember made me feel very secure, that he would do that for her.

Kim:  What's one Thanksgiving tradition that you can't do without? 

Debbie:  During dinner, we all write down our blessings on a strip of construction paper, and then save them to hang on the tree at Christmas time.  Also, shopping with my group on the day after Thanksgiving.  We have matching t-shirts and everything!  (I think she mentioned they get a little wild and crazy, so watch out if you are an after Turkey Day shopper!)

Kim:  What's your favorite way to waste time?

Debbie:  Facebook! 

Kim:  What's your favorite TV show?

Debbie:  The O'Reilly Factor

Kim:  What are some hobbies you enjoy, and your favorite weekend activities?

Debbie:  Reading, organizing (the closets), politics; on weekends we have kids' activities, church....we always eat out on Sundays after church...sometimes with friends....sometimes by ourselves, and save time on Sunday for a nap.  (Um, Debbie, can you come and visit my closets?)

Kim:  How long have you been going to Southeast?

Debbie:  Eleven years....I first went to a moms group when my daughter was a baby, which led to womens' bible study.

Kim:  Where did you grow up?  Did you grow up in a Christian home?

Debbie:  I grew up in Louisville, went to Catholic schools, and yes, I grew up in a Christian home.  :)
Kim:  What prompted you to become a discussion leader?

Debbie:  A discussion leader I had five years ago was moving to something different, and so I stepped up after that person asked me to.

Kim:  Have you been a DL before? 

Debbie:  Yes, five years of studies.

Kim:  What are you enjoying most about the study of Acts?

Debbie:  Realizing how relevant it is to helping us live out our faith now.  I also like the pace, slowly taking it apart.

Kim:  How are your ladies "meshing" together?

Debbie:  Wonderfully.  It's a large group, and I see them planning and ministering to each other without me.

Kim:  Do you see early signs in your ladies that indicate God is touching their hearts toward discipleship?

Debbie:  Yes, because they're starting to invite people to study their bibles - taking more ownership.  I see several that are willing and equipped to lead.  I love to see them ministering and praying for one another, lovingly challenging one another to trust.

Kim:  Have you read any good books lately that you'd like to recommend?

Debbie:  Radical, by David Platt.  Amazing!

Kim:  Where is your special quiet place or "mom cave" that you are able to use for quiet times with the Lord?

Debbie:  I love that question!  I have a very long closet, and so I cleaned out a spot in my closet.  (That sounds awesome, can we have a field trip to your closet?) 

Kim:  Deep Question:  If you knew the Lord was coming back tomorrow, how would you spend today?

Debbie:  I would want to spend today telling all the people that I love, that I've been reluctant or afraid to tell, about the Lord. 

Kim:  What is your favorite bible verse, and why?

Debbie:  My favorite verse is Psalm 113:9  He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children. Praise the LORD.

Thru a 6 year infertility struggle, I learned to trust God by leaning on this scripture.  The doctors told us that we would not be able to have children - no chances.  But I knew God was telling us not to give up, to believe Him for the impossible.  This was the first time I remember  choosing to believe God over men.  This verse always reminds me of Gods faithfulness and that what is impossible in the natural is never impossible for our God!!  I think this is the reason I cherish my kids so much, they are the result of a miracle of God.

And now something fun about Debbie.  Two statements below are NOT true, and ONE is true.  Can you guess which one is true?  I will have the answer for you next week:

Debbie says:

1.  I love animals and have 3 dogs and a cat
2.  I don't drink coffee, but love tea
3.  I have an unusual ability to remember phone numbers and can sometimes recall phone numbers I have not dialed in a long time

OK gals - take a gander!  Hmmmm......which is the true statement? 


           Recipe of the Week - Pumpkin Chili !!

3 pounds lean ground beef
2 cups solid pack pumpkin
2 cans red kidney beans
2 medium onions, chopped
3 (15-ounce) cans chopped tomatos
2 tablespoons chili powder (less if serving children)
1/4 teaspoon red pepper flakes (omit if serving children)
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt
2 bay leaves

In a large casserole, brown ground beef and drain off excess fat.
Add the rest of the ingredients, stir well, and simmer over low heat
for 1 to 2 hours. Serve with crackers or garlic bread.


Here's an amazing David Crowder video done with the lite-brite toy that we all know and love....with time stop video, it took a long time.  Apparently they had "lite bright parties" to complete obviously took quite a while.  You can click the X to get rid of the advertisements, I could not figure out how to get those things off as I'm still learning my way around these technical computer situations.  This is a love story, enjoy! 


He leads me beside still waters; he restores my soul.  Psalm 23:2

Hope you have a great week ladies.  We love you and are praying for you!

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