Monday, November 1, 2010

Serving Others

Welcome back, ladies.  Hope you have had a good week.  Also, hope that you are having a wonderful Service Project day.  We are going to be making blankets for kids, and I'm really looking forward to it, because I've heard about these blankets a few different times but don't know how to make them myself.  So now I'm going to learn!   I consider it a privilege to serve others and I know you do, too!  Praying it will be a wonderful service day and that Jesus will be exemplified to all who benefit from our service.  That's what it's all about.....

Why, Hello November!  You kinda slipped in on us this year, didn't you?

 When you think of the month of November, do thoughts of Thanksgiving come to mind? There is a lot more to November than turkey, stuffing and pumpkin pie.  Let's take a look!

November comes from the Latin word novem which means nine. It was originally the ninth month of the year in the Roman calendar which began with March. When January and February were added to the Roman calendar, November became the eleventh month of the Gregorian calendar. November is one of the four months that has thirty days.


Topaz is one of the birthstones for November. Topaz can be found in many colors, but it is the orange topaz that is the traditional birthstone for November. Topaz is a symbol of friendship.

Citrine is also a November birthstone. Citrine is actually quartz crystal and is yellow to orange in color. It is often mistaken for the orange-yellow topaz which is the more expensive of the two birthstones.


The flower for the month of November is the chrysanthemum. The word chrysanthemum comes from the Greek words chrys and anthemum. Chrys means golden (the original color of the chrysanthemum) and anthemum means flower. 
The symbols of the chrysanthemum are optimism and joy.

The most well known holiday in November is Thanksgiving Day. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of the month.

Another very important holiday is Veteran's Day which is November 11th. We love our Veterans!

Election Day is the first Tuesday in November  (as we well know from all the ads!)

And don't forget that daylight savings time ends on the first Sunday in November.  Remember to set your clocks back!

Historic Events in November
President Kennedy was assassinated on November 23, 1963.
The end of World War I or Armistice Day was November 11, 1918.
President Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a national holiday in November 1863.
President Lincoln made the Gettysburg address in November of 1863.

And lots of monthly observances for November!  I didn't know all this!
Adoption Awareness Month
Alzheimer's Disease Month
Apple Month
Child Safety & Protection Month
Christmas Seals Month
Diabetes Month
Epilepsy Month
Hospice Month
International Drum Month
Native- American Heritage Month


November woods are bare and still;
November days are clear and bright;
Each noon burns up the morning's chill,
The morning's snow is gone by night...
Source: Helen Hunt Jackson - Taken from World Book Millennium 2000

As we go about serving others in our community this week, let me be your official cheerleader.  All of you are doing a wonderful job!  Here are your pearls for this week:

Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. 
Mark Twain

"Help someone who can't return the favor."
Author Unknown

"Do all the good you can, and make as little fuss about it as possible."
Charles Dickens

Philippians 2:4  Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.

 A Touching Story

Author Unknown

A few years ago at the Seattle Special Olympics, nine contestants, all physically or mentally disabled, assembled at the starting line for the 100 yard dash. At the gun, they all started out, not exactly in a dash, but with a relish to run the race to the finish and win. All, that is, except one boy who stumbled on the asphalt, tumbled over a couple of times and began to cry. The other eight heard the boy. They slowed down and looked back. They all turned around and went back. Every one of them. One girl with Down's Syndrome bent down and kissed him and said,"This will make it better." All nine linked arms and walked across the finish line together. Everyone in the stadium stood, and the cheering went on for several minutes. People who were there are still telling the story. Why? Because deep down we know one thing. What matters most in this life is more than winning for ourselves. What truly matters in this life is helping others win, even if it means slowing down and changing our course.


And now....our blog interview.  Or I think I might make up a new word....."Blogview" - this week featuring Beth Henderman

                                     Beth Henderman

 What a pleasure it was to sit down with Beth and get to know her better.  Despite my computer glitches which took up a little too much time, she was patient and even offered helpful suggestions.  You will be glad to know, Beth, that we figured out what the problem was so it won't happen next time.  :)

Let's find out some things about Beth that we may not have known!  When I said, "What is your name?"  I was only kidding around, because I know her name is Beth.  :)  But, what I found out is that her whole name is Mary Beth!  She was named after two of her mother's sisters.  Mary Nell, and Elizabeth.  Her mom took half of each of her sisters' names and named her.  She's still called Mary Beth or "Bethie" by some of her relatives.

Beth has been married to her husband David, Sr., for 35 years (awesome!).  When they married, David had two boys, David, Jr., and Kyle, and she had her son, Joseph.  So they combined their families and became one family.  They have five grandchildren.  :)

Kim:  Let's get to it then.  Do you have any pets?

Beth:  No.....

Kim:  How long have you been attending Southeast?

Beth:  Since 1991.  As her husband says, "Not long enough!"  :)

Kim:  Where did you grow up?

Beth:  I was born in Nashville & lived in Ashland City, Tennessee, about 30 minutes from Nashville.  We moved to Louisville when I was nine, but my mom & dad kept their Tennessee roots.  Both sets of grandparents lived there, so we went back often....and always at Christmas.  My mother always considered it home.

Kim:  Tell me about your siblings.

Beth:  I have one brother, Sidney.  He is exactly two and a half years older than me to the day.  My birthday is June 22nd, and his is December 22nd.

Kim:  Did you grow up in a Christian home?

Beth:  I grew up in a Christian home, but my parents weren't taught "relationship" with Jesus.  I believe it was denominational as well as generational.  After I learned about a relationship with Jesus, I did pray with my mother.  Growing up, I never saw my mother reading her bible, but I did see my grandmother.  Later in life when I saw my mother's bible and saw what she'd underlined, and notes she had in her bible, I knew she'd been reading it throughout my life.

Kim:  Do you have a favorite bible verse?

Beth:  Yes and no.  I have different ones for different seasons.  Right now it seems to be Romans 8:28, And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him and have been called according to his purpose.....and Philippians 4:8, Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable - if anything is excellent or praiseworthy - think about such things.  I especially like this one when my thoughts head to the "what ifs" of my life situations.

Kim:  What made you decide to be a discussion leader?

Beth:  A point blank question asking me to be one.  Lynn Reece just called and asked me.  I'm starting my 14th year as a discussion leader.  (Wow Beth!)

Kim:  How is it going with your ladies - are you a new group or have you been together a while?

Beth:  Some have been together  8-10 years, some 4-5 years.  It's going great!

Kim:  Do you see your ladies having a heart for discipleship?

Beth:  Yes I see they have a heart for helping people both in and out of our group.  They really meet each others' needs.

Kim:  What have been some of your experiences as a DL over the years?

Beth:  Years ago I was chosen to be a DL for a group of deaf ladies.  It really stretched me as a DL but it was a great blessing and I really miss them.  They taught me a lot!

Kim:  Do you know or did you have to try learn sign language?

Beth:  No, there was an interpreter. 

Kim:  What are your favorite things about Autumn?

Beth:  Bonfires, hayrides, fall leaves, colors, the sound of rustling leaves, hot cider.  I'm a cool weather person so I love it! 

Kim:  Do you have a favorite Thankgiving tradition?

Beth:  It's a Thanksgiving food.  I have to have cornbread dressing!  My dressing is different from my mother in law's dressing, and it used to be that my sister-in-law and her daughter would make a list for Thanksgiving dinner, and their list would read, "Beth's dressing" and then "Good dressing" (we laugh).  A little family joke.  But it had been my grandmother's recipe.  We still have it, and now my son, Joseph's wife makes it now too, and it has become the only Thanksgiving dressing.  The others love it, too.  (what time should we be over Beth?)

Kim:  Have you started Christmas shopping yet?

Beth:  I have two gifts. 

Kim:  What is your favorite Christmas carol? 

Beth:  Silent Night

Kim:  What is your service project?

Beth:  We are going to Wayside Christian Mission.  We're gathering coats, scarves, and hats to take.  We're even taking a tour.  This is different for us this year.  We normally do Dare to Care Back-Pack Buddies, which is where we pack backpacks for kids who won't get food over the weekend, so they have something to eat. 

Kim:  Do you have a favorite TV show?

Beth:  I like mystery shows like Law and Order.

Kim:  What are you enjoying most about the study of Acts?

Beth:  I like actually seeing the consistency of God in other scriptures.  I knew it, but I'm loving seeing it.  In the study proper, as a discussion leader, I love having a full hour of discussion so we can get through six days of study and prayer.  I love seeing Acts worked out in the lives of my small group - sharing possessions with others, standing in His Grace, and proclaiming the name of Jesus Christ.

Kim:  Do you have a good sense of humor?

Beth:  I think so!  (I think so too.  We laughed a lot)

Kim:  What biblical woman do you most identify with, and why?

Beth:  Oh, I think Esther, because with the mood of the country and other things I'm involved with, I wonder sometimes if I am living "for such a time as this."

Kim:  Here is the Deep Question.  If you were able to actually sit with Jesus today....what burning question would you like to ask him?

Beth:  I think I'd be so awed and appreciative that He loved me enough to do what He did, that all my questions would no longer be relevant. 

Kim:  Do you have a special quiet place where you do most of your bible studying?

Beth:  My Tent of Meeting Chair is in my dining room.  If I get there early enough I get to see the sun rise.  It is out of the traffic flow of David going to and from bedroom-kitchen-out to car to leave.  It works well for me.  Just need to be more disciplined and get there every day.  (Beth sent me a picture of it!  See below)

Beth's "Tent of Meeting"

OK, here is our game.  Two statements by Beth, listed below, are NOT true.  And ONE is true.  Can you guess which one is TRUE?

1.  My favorite Fall color is orange.

2.  I've been on a float during a parade.

3.  I was on the High School drama team.

And the answer for last week:  With regard to Debbie Gahan....the TRUE statement is that she has an awesome memory for phone numbers.  :)  Did you guess right?


And honor the month of November's most infamous holiday......(I laugh every time I see this)

2 Timothy 4:17
But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it


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