Monday, November 29, 2010

After Thanksgiving

Hello Ladies!  I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving with lots of turkey or whatever your family eats for Thanksgiving.  We had a good one with two of my sisters and many nieces and nephews, as well as a great nephew!  We are truly blessed to have so much family here when we are far from home!


Does this look familiar after Thanksgiving dinner? 

Next week it is going to be December already.  I don't know about you....but I am sitting here wondering late in the year!  Time is going by faster and faster the older I get.  I used to hear my mom say this, and by now I most definitely know what she meant.

Psalm 62:1-2
“My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.”

Thanksgiving is done and as we all know, Christmas is looming ahead of us and fast approaching our airspace.  I found an article recently about how we can do our best to reduce the stress of this Holiday as well as expand the joy and peace it can bring as we try to keep focused on the real meaning.  It is a long article so I will give it to you in two or three parts.  I don't know the author, but I can give you where I found it on the internet.  Here is the first part:

Found at 

Less Stress = More Joy / Practical Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress
If you’re like many Americans, the first jovial notes from Andy Williams wafting through the speakers on your radio as it’s tuned to your favorite station strike dread in your heart.  You realize that the holidays are upon you and you are already feeling behind and stressed out about it.  The only tune some of you are singing is The 12 Pains of Christmas.  Is it January 2nd, yet?!
 Relax!  Grab a mug of mulled cider and let’s go over that Holiday To-Do list that seems to have grown longer than Santa’s Naughty & Nice lists combined.  My guess is that a majority of the things on that list are self-induced torture.  You don’t enjoy them, you’re not sure why you do them but in the mad-dash of the season you’ve never stopped long enough to re-evaluate their purpose.
 Before you look at that overwhelming list again, take a moment to talk with your family about your priorities for the holidays.  What do you want to do, see or accomplish as a family?  Write those things down at the top of your list.  When you put first things first, the true importance of the other things on your list will come into focus.
 In an attempt to give you a head-start on the sleigh ride to holiday cheer, let’s take a look at some of the typical “expectations” we place upon ourselves during the holiday season and see if we can tone them down a little, shall we?
 Christmas Cards – why is it necessary to send cards, pictures or family letters in December?  I understand that we want to reconnect with old friends and family members we rarely see.  However, if this task brings more drudgery than delight perhaps we should consider doing this at another time of year when we don’t have a deadline looming over our heads.  The end-of-the-year holidays give us enough to do without buying, signing, addressing and mailing 400 cards.  Why not consider sending those adorable pictures of your kids or that family letter at another time of year?  For example, Valentine’s Day is all about showing love to others.  Let people know that you are thinking of them with love when they will least expect it.  Chances are that it will be a nice surprise…and, if yours is the only family letter they receive instead of being one of 50 crowding their mailing box at Christmas time, they might actually read it.
 Holiday Parties – why does everyone need to have a party in the two weeks before Christmas?  There are 49 other weeks of the year when we could plan a party for our group, organization or staff.  The next time someone suggests a party in the weeks before the holiday, try suggesting an alternate date two or three weeks into the New Year when schedules are typically less hectic.  If you are an employer or head of a volunteer group and you’d like to use the party as an opportunity to recognize the hard work of your employees, consider doing it at another time of year when everyone’s attention won’t be pulled in so many different directions. You might be surprised at how many people welcome the idea.  If moving a party date is not an option then take some time to choose the invitations you accept based on your family’s pre-set priorities.
Well it's all something to ponder, isn't it?  Will give you more next week!  I strive for less stress myself, so I want all us women to have more peace and joy and a lot less stress.



Peggy Boyd

Before Thanksgiving I had a great time having a little chat with Peggy Boyd!  I was so glad to get to know her better!  Peggy is married to David, they have been married for 28 years….it is a 2nd marriage for both of them.  I think it’s safe to say they are doing it right!  She has a son, Rick, (a Minister in Indiana) who is 37 and they have a son together, Joshua, who is 27.  Both of the boys are married, and Rick's  wife, Emily, works here at Southeast.  Dave and Peggy have a granddaughter who is 4 and grandson who is two.  I believe she had a little sparkle in her eye when she was talking about the grandkids! 
Q&A with Peggy!
Kim:  Do you have pets?  What are their names?  
Peggy:  Our dog was put down four years ago, a little cairn terrier named Oliver.  He was fifteen.  And that was like losing one of my children. 
Kim:  How long have you been going to SE Christian Church?   
Peggy:  Since 1998…..12 years….
Kim:  Are you from Louisville? 
Peggy:  I’m from Cincinnati.   Dave is from here.
Kim:  Tell me a bit about your childhood.  How many siblings, did you grow up in a Christian home?   
Peggy:  I did grow up in a Christian home but I didn’t accept Christ til I was 34 years old.  Just didn’t sink in.  I have two younger brothers.  We are quite close.  They still live in Cincinnati. 
Kim:  Do you have a favorite bible verse that’s been speaking to you lately? 
Peggy:  Romans 12:1,2…..Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your spiritual act of worship.  Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will.  And Psalm 32:8… I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.
Kim:  Do you have a tent of meeting place? 
Peggy:  It’s in my dining room and I actually sit on the floor.  I have my quiet time very early in the morning and my husband is not a morning person but he’s there….and the dining room is a good, quiet place.

Kim:  What made you decide to be a Discussion Leader?   
Peggy:  My spiritual gifts are prophecy and teaching, and Pat Meyers asked me to ….I have led bible studies over the years, but Pat asked me to co-lead with her and they needed an extra leader, so we split up and it just sort of happened.
Kim:  How long have you been a DL? 
Peggy:  Three years.
Kim:  Is your group brand new or have you been together a while?
Peggy:  My group has been together for two years…..with a few ins and outs….not a closed group.
Kim:  What are your favorite things about Autumn?   
Peggy:  That it isn’t winter.  Hot chocolate and snuggling up.
Kim:  Do you have a Thanksgiving tradition that you’d like to share with us? 
Peggy:  My family always wants my pies.  My brother-in- law wants my carrot cake.  My best, favorite thing in the whole world is apple pie and I don’t share the recipe with anyone.  (I tried to cajole it out of her with my joking and persuading skills and she would not budge!  I gave it my best girls!  That must be some pie!)
Kim:  Do you have any  hobbies?   

Peggy:  I sing with the worship choir….I am an avid knitter….I sew, love to cook, my husband and I do ballroom dancing, and I’m a scuba diver……(that one surprised me!)
Kim:  Do you work outside of the home?   
Peggy:  No, I just work at home.
 Kim:  What is your favorite Christmas carol? 
Peggy:  Silent night
Kim:  What is your service project? 
Peggy:  One of our ladies has a son-in-law in Iraq and another has a son in Afghanistan and we made 14 boxes to send to them, they just got them and were SO excited……It was such a blessing.  We filled it with all kinds of stuff.....candy, toiletries, devotional books….(ahhhh, love it!)
Kim:  What is your favorite TV show?   
Peggy:  Football… husband and I love football.
Kim:  Can you tell me the best and worst advice you’ve ever been given?

Peggy:  My parents gave me two pieces of advice which have stuck with me my whole life, 1)  Pretty is as pretty does, and 2)  When you make a commitment to something it is your responsibility to follow it through.  Dad was right!

Bad advice, no, but amusing advice, yes.  When I was pregnant with my first child, I was hanging laundry one day.  My grandma got so upset and insisted I stop.  She was convinced I was going to strangle the baby!  Although in later years there were times I wanted to strangle him, he was born completely healthy!  So much for old wives tales!

Kim:  Do you have any pet peeves? 
Peggy:  My biggee is someone who turns left and doesn’t turn the turn signal on. (grr, that is one of mine too!)
Kim:  What kinds of stories do you most enjoy?   
Peggy:  One that I’ve read lately was called Peace Like a River….it’s fiction, but it’s kind of Christian based.
Kim:  Which biblical woman do you most identify with, and why?   
Peggy:  Abigail….because despite her husband's spiritual state, she knew what was right, and she was obedient to God.  She was loyal to her husband and still followed the Lord.

Peggy, thank you so much for sitting down with me and letting all of us have a peek into your life!

Here’s the game.  Two things are NOT true about Peggy, and ONE thing is true!  Can you guess?
I love country music  
I collect music boxes  
I have been to the Grand Canyon

Here is last week's answer:  #3 - Marquita has a sister-in-law that was an ambassador to Oman during the Clinton Administration! (thanks for playing Marquita!)


And now....some funny stuff from one of my favorites, Tim Hawkins.  He always makes me laugh!


This week's recipe - Mexican Pizza - YUM!

Mexican Pizza Recipe

Prep Time: 25 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 55 minutes
·         1 onion, chopped
·         4 garlic cloves, minced
·         2 Tbsp. olive oil
·         16 oz. can refried beans
·         18 oz. jar taco sauce
·         8 oz. can tomato sauce
·         1 Tbsp. chili powder
·         1 tsp. cumin
·         4 oz. can green chilies, drained
·         2 cups frozen soy protein crumbles
·         2 large Boboli® pizza crusts 
·         4 cups shredded Cojack cheese
Saute onion and garlic in olive oil until tender. Add beans, taco sauce, tomato sauce, chili powder, cumin, and soy protein crumbles. Stir well, and heat until crumbles are softened.
Spread sauce evenly over both pizza crusts. Top with shredded cheese. Bake at 400 degrees for 20-25 minutes until cheese is melted, bubbly, and begins to brown, reversing pans and racks once during cooking time. Serves 10 to 12


Pearls of Wisdom
My main ambition in life is to be on the devil's Most Wanted list.....Leonard Ravenhill
Our life is full of brokenness - broken relationships, broken expectations.  How can we live with that brokenness without becoming bitter and resentful except by returning again and again to God's faithful presence in our lives........Henri Nouwen
One reason we are so harried and hurried is that we make yesterday and tomorrow our business, when all that legitimately concerns us is today.  If we really have too much to do, there are some items on the agenda which God did not put there.  Let us submit the list to Him and ask Him to indicate which items we must delete.  There is always time to do the will of God.  If we are too busy to do that, we are too busy......Elisabeth Elliott

Well ladies it's time to end another blog.  Sorry for getting the blog out so late today, I am having a bit of computer trouble - truth be told I probably need a new one.  Perhaps Santa will be kind this year, and if not, that's OK, I can limp along until it goes kaput.  I pray you all have a blessed week as we continue on our journey in the book of Acts.  And I pray you are are learning all the pearls the Lord has for each of us through this study. 

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. (James 1:2-4)

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