Monday, November 15, 2010

Week Before Thanksgiving

Hello again!  Can you believe it's almost Thanksgiving already?  Wow!  Where did the year go?  I know you are all busy planning your holidays....I hope the blog is encouraging to you, and a place where you come to relax and spend some "you" time.  I pray it has been a place of solitude, mixed with fun, a little peace, and a lot of encouragement.

Psalm 147:7
Sing to the LORD with thanksgiving; make music to our God on the harp.


Count your blessings instead of your crosses;
Count your gains instead of your losses.
Count your joys instead of your woes;
Count your friends instead of your foes.
Count your smiles instead of your tears;
Count your courage instead of your fears.
Count your full years instead of your lean;
Count your kind deeds instead of your mean.
Count your health instead of your wealth;
Count on God instead of yourself.

~~Author Unknown.~~


                                       Blogview:  Marquita Haydon

This week I was able to take a small peek into a very lovely lady’s life.  Marquita has had some pretty rough struggles ….I think you could say that life dealt her some pretty harsh blows, and roughed her up a bit.  Early in her life, her mother had a nervous breakdown, and so she and her four brothers were sent off to an orphanage (St. Joe’s on Frankfort).  She remained there through 8th grade and then went to live with her father and stepmother.  She grew up attending Catholic Mass every day but at that time she was not encouraged to a personal relationship with Christ.  She revealed that growing up in an orphanage, her physical needs were met, but she said, “I came out emotionally stunted, which still affects me." 
Marquita was married to her boyfriend shortly after he returned from Vietnam, and they had two children, Kimberly and Russell.  Unfortunately, she became a widow when the children were two and three.  She then began a journey of single motherhood, combined with relationships that didn't work out, including a fourteen year marriage which ended in divorce.  “Christ has done a lot of healing.” she said.
Marquita has now been married to Dave for one year and seven months (Newlyweds, and you can see it on her face!)   She said, “We met 20 years ago in a home bible study …. and later his wife passed away and we reconnected on Saturday nights because we were sitting in the same area….and he brought me tomatoes from his garden…..and that started it.”  (Oh yes, I can see how that would start it!)  “And I’m learning how to be properly loved by a husband.”  She has 7 grandchildren, five from her daughter, and her son, Russell, has twin two year old little girls.  Dave has a son and a stepson from his first marriage, no grandchildren on his side, “so he’s inherited my grandchildren.”  Marquita said.
Marquita lived with her daughter and son-in-law for four years and says she was privileged to be healed from much of her painful past while there, and she so enjoyed doing family things together with them.   She revealed, “That’s where I learned what a family is supposed to be like.”  She said that whole experience was a miracle for her, along with her daughter coming to the Lord, and the two of them are best friends after a rough patch during her daughter's younger years. 
OK then let’s get to our questions and answers.
Kim:  How long have you been going to SE Christian Church?    
Marquita:  Since 1988….summer of 1988….A lady that lived across the street from me told me about it.  Before that I went to St. Barnabas….
Kim:  Tell a little about how you “met” Jesus personally.
Marquita:   I went to a study called RENEW….which was basically a Catholic bible study, and that is where I first established a relationship with the Lord.  That's when I first knew what love really was.  And I was 37 years old.  I had been married and in other relationships seeking real love and found it at that point.
Kim:  Is there a particular bible verse that has spoken to you lately? 
Marquita:  A few years ago I was into cross stitching, and I cross stitched the Beatitudes, and it was right when I started dating Dave…..and I had it hanging on the wall when I went through hip surgery, and while I was in bed I memorized them….and so I meditate on them a lot.  Some are more encouraging at times, depending what I’m going through.
Kim:  What made you decide to be a Discussion Leader?    
Marquita:  I am so passionate about studying the bible and being in the Word….it’s what keeps you in tune to the Lord, so I do it to encourage others….I don’t feel like I’m a teacher….but I’m hoping my passion for it comes through.
Kim:  How long have you been a DL? 
Marquita:  This is my 2nd go round….I started up this past summer when they did the home study…..the study of Ruth….
Kim:  Are you enjoying the study, and how are your ladies “meshing” together? 
Marquita:  I am surprised and filled with joy that I am thoroughly enjoying it.  The Lord prepared my heart, praying for the girls that they will blend together….and I have been blessed with a wonderful group of ladies, everyone is sharing, and it’s been great, I love it.  That’s how you learn from one another…..that’s what I love about small groups, because you learn from one another - how you share your answers and how the Lord is speaking to you at that time.
Kim:  Do you have pets?
Marquita:    Two Maltese, and their names are Louis Pasteur and Nurse Zoe Goodbody ….and then a bird called Smokey who is nicknamed Cat Food.  Because a bird would become catfood (She had to explain that to me, I thought she meant because the bird loved to eat cat food, tee hee!) 

Kim:  What are your favorite things about Autumn? 
Marquita:  I’ve enjoyed the nice weather, we have gotten to work in the garden all week, getting ready for the winter…..(they are avid gardeners – maybe she could teach me a thing or two!)
Kim:  Do you have a Thanksgiving tradition that you’d like to share with us? 
Marquita:  When I was living with my daughter, I was having it with her family, and now we haven’t established one.  I think this year with my kids going to their inlaws, we are going to have it with a girlfriend whose husband was in the hospital.  Maybe the weekend after that I will get together with the kids.
Kim:  Do you have any hobbies?   
Marquita:  Love to garden, and I have a passion for reading, love to cross stitch but because of my eyes I haven’t picked it up in a while…..
Kim:  Have you read any books lately that you’d like to recommend? 
Marquita:  Mitford Series by Jan Karon…..reading that right now at night…’s called the first of the Father Tim series…. and also a non-fiction book,  Chuck Colson’s Kingdoms in Conflict, written first in ’87.  They have redone it and re-titled it, but it’s really pertinent for today’s Church and the government…..what the church’s responsibility is toward the government and the state toward the church, and how they get embroiled in each other’s territory and they shouldn’t.
 Kim:  What about work?    
Marquita:  I'm retired from the phone company.  I worked part time as a caregiver, and then for ROCK (Reclaim Our Culture, Kentuckiana) – Brian Wickens is president of ROCK, you can hear him on the radio…his radio show is Let Liberty Ring….on 94.7 FM from 2:00-3:00 PM.
Kim:  Most people have a guilty pleasure….what’s yours? 
Marquita:  The game I play on Facebook….Bejewled Blitz….(I can relate!)
Kim:  What’s your favorite restaurant? 
Marquita:  Bravos… Italian restaurant but I get their salmon dinner, it’s the best….the way they fix it.  With fried red potatoes and green beans… favorite dessert is anything with fruit…..
Kim:  Do you have any pet peeves? 
Marquita:  People teasing, sarcasm….I have a sense of humor, but when it’s something I’m thinking they are serious….
Kim:  What is your favorite Christmas carol? 
Marquita:  O Holy Night…especially by Steve Green or Michael Crawford….love the male tenor voice.
Kim:  What is your service project?   
Marquita:  I didn’t get to participate because I work at the Polls on election day, but our group had a project where there is a family at Southeast – the lady has cancer and they have four children under the age of four, and our group went to clean their house and contributed money, diapers, and gift cards. Six ladies went to clean their house and also gave their doggy a bath.  I believe there is nothing better to bring people together as a group than by working together.
Kim:  What good things are you getting from the study of Acts? 
Marquita:  I hadn’t been looking forward to it really, but now …..I am fully immersed in it each morning, it’s like God’s right there with me….the first few weeks of it, how the apostles are going and giving the message of Christ, I am being impressed that that is what I should be doing.  And Paul’s conversion…..
Kim:  What is your favorite TV show? 
Marquita:  I liked 24…..However, I gave up the last season and did not watch it.  I also liked Masterpiece Theater.  But, we gave up Cable TV about six weeks ago, and we are not missing it. 
Kim:  What’s your favorite movie of all time….or at least one of your favorites? 
Marquita:  Amazing Grace…..and Phantom of the Opera….my grandson Devin and I sat and watched it - must’ve been seven times together, just love the music and romance.
Kim:  Have you seen any movies lately you could recommend? 
Marquita:  We went and saw Secretariat….starts with a scripture verse and not one curse word.
Kim:  What kinds of things do you do for fun? 
Marquita:  Gardening….doing bible studies together…..going out with other couples to a movie or whatever, date nights…..
Kim:  Are you a morning person or night owl? 
Marquita:  Morning person, and my husband’s a night owl….
Kim:  Which biblical woman do you most identify with, and why?   
Marquita:  I think Ruth appeals to me more, because the devotion she showed to her mother in law…and then the love of Boaz toward her…and I’m just receiving that kind of love from my husband, and that’s new to me and I love it.
Kim:  Do you have a favorite stress reliever you’d like to share? 
Marquita:  Reading…..or listening to praise and worship music.  We’ve recently started going to the gym and that’s been so good for us, we do it here at the Fitness Center…..I think it has helped my arthritis…..I feel stronger.
Kim:  What was your most embarrassing moment? 
Marquita:   I had lunch with my daughter, Kimberly, recently at our favorite sushi restaurant. This is only the second time I’ve eaten there and of course everyone uses chopsticks. I was half way through the meal when I realized I was holding my chopsticks upside down. I was glad it was only my daughter and I.  We both had a good laugh.
Kim:  What is the best advice you’ve ever been given? 
Marquita:  A good piece of advice that I believe in is not to hang onto anger or bitterness. I have this prayer taped inside the front of my bible. “When I am angry or bitter, Father, help me to calm down. Open my heart to forgive those who have hurt me. Amen”

Thank you, Marquita, for letting us to get to know you better.

The Game:  Two of the statements below are NOT true....and one IS true.  Can you guess which is true about Marquita?
1.  I love to swim
2.  My fav. Place to vacation is Colorado
3.   I have a sister-in-law that was an ambassador to Oman during the Clinton Administration

Answer from last week:  Phyllis has always wanted to go white water rafting!!

Marquita also provided us with the recipe this week!  She says she uses apple cider vinegar rather than white vinegar, and it's a real treat and a hit at potlucks.

Printed from COOKS.COM

16 oz. pre-packaged cole slaw
2 pkgs. beef flavored Ramen noodles soup
1 bunch chopped green onions
1 c. toasted slivered almonds
1 c. sunflower seeds
1 c. vegetable oil
1/2 c. sugar
1/3 c. vinegar

Mix oil, sugar, vinegar, and beef dry packets from soup mix. Refrigerate overnight. Toast almonds by baking or sauteing in butter until brown. Mix with cole slaw, onions, almonds, and sunflower seeds. Pour oil mixture over just prior to serving. Add crunched soup noodles and stir again.

I am having a pretty big group for both Thanksgiving and Christmas this year.  Despite being pretty new to Louisville, God has made sure we are not too lonely by giving us a job where there is family within driving distance, and they enjoy coming to see us!  I found these tips from to be fairly straightforward and simple and I plan to implement them in our home.  Hope you find them useful, too.   

Tips for cooking up a low-stress Thanksgiving celebration
12:00 AM CST on Monday, November 15, 2010
The big Thanksgiving feast is drawing near.  Here’s how to leave the worrying behind:
Think ahead
• Make a list of everything you need to do and how far in advance you can do it.
• Shop early. Start buying non-perishable items now. You don't want to be caught in the supermarket the day before Thanksgiving wrestling over the last can of cream of mushroom soup.
• When planning your meal, choose dishes that can be made in advance. The more you can do ahead of time, the less you will have to do on Thanksgiving.
• Also think about all the extras. Do you have enough dishes? Serving pieces? Linens? Now is the time to get everything ready and buy or borrow more if needed.
Ask for a helping hand
• Involve your family. Ask them to pitch in and help so that everyone can have a great day.
• Involve your guests. Most people do not like to show up empty-handed, so ask them to bring something specific. That way, you won't end up with five of the same thing. Non-cooks can pick up bread from a bakery, ice or beverages.
Preparing the meal
• Make dishes that you are comfortable preparing. A simple rule of thumb for entertaining: Know your recipes. Trying a new recipe leaves too much room for failure and frustration. If you come across a new recipe that you really want to try, practice making it ahead of time.
• Write out the timing and preparation of each dish in order to plan how you'll manage them all in your kitchen.
• Go with the flow. No matter how much you plan, it's always possible that something will go wrong. Don't let it ruin your day.
staff writer Cathy Barber


Here's something I thought would be fun if you have some bored kids or just want to spruce up the walkway or even use indoors as a Thanksgiving decoration.  They look really cute.  I may try this with my niece and nephew who are coming this way for Thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving Turkey Luminarias 

Thanksgiving luminarias to light your here
That's my first time to incorporate a link in with if it does not work, just go to Family Fun magazine and search.....hopefully it works though!  You could also do pumpkins or autumn leaves.

Hem your blessings with thankfulness so they don't unravel
- Author Unknown

Thanksgiving was never meant to be shut up in a single day
- Robert Caspar Lintner

Trying to do the Lord's work in your own strength is the most confusing, exhausting, and tedious of all work. But when you are filled with the Holy Spirit, then the ministry of Jesus just flows out of you.
- Corrie ten Boom

I swiped this from a friend of mine on Facebook.  Love it!

Have a Blessed Thanksgiving

See you after the break!

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